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Author Tsh Oxenreider podcasted for many years, chatting with friends and guests about what it looked like in their life to simplify in all sorts of categories. In some iteration, this podcast lived from 2011 to 2019.

You can find the episodes from roughly mid-2018 to the end below — and check out Tsh's current podcast, A Drink With a Friend!

Aug 28, 2018

It’s the start of a new school year for most of us right now, so I figured: what better way to celebrate the amazing work our kids’ teachers do than share a conversation I’ve had with one?

Rissie Lundberg is a math teacher at an all-girls high school, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and she’s part of a mathematics department made up entirely of women — which is actually pretty rare, even in a girls’ school. She absolutely adores what she does, both getting her hands dirty in math, and inspiring girls to love it as much as she does.

Notes From This Episode: