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Author Tsh Oxenreider podcasted for many years, chatting with friends and guests about what it looked like in their life to simplify in all sorts of categories. In some iteration, this podcast lived from 2011 to 2019.

You can find the episodes from roughly mid-2018 to the end below — and check out Tsh's current podcast, A Drink With a Friend!

Sep 27, 2018

I'm wrapping up my series with Kendra on kitchen basics, and in this one, we're talking about essential tools. There's tons of links for you here, so let's get right to it.

Notes From This Episode:

Sep 25, 2018

Allison Marchetti and Rebekah O’Dell are in business together, AND they’re good friends. They’ve taught middle and high school students at all levels, in both public and independent schools, and from inclusion to AP and IB classes. Now, they travel the country to work with teachers and students to provide...

Sep 20, 2018

Continuing our deep-dive with co-host Kendra, right now we’re talking about kitchen basics. In part 1 (episode 149), we talked about mindset. In this one, we’re talking all about... the basics. Specifically, the classic go-to skills or recipes that we find useful.

As I've mentioned, Kendra knows her way around a...

Sep 18, 2018

You might know Jessica Turner from her online work, running the successful website The Mom Creative, as well as writing a few books and teaching a course — but by day, she works full-time outside the home.

She loves working for Vanderbilt as an online strategist and content curator, and says it’s a great place to...

Sep 13, 2018

We thought we’d welcome the fall with getting back to the basics — in this case, in the kitchen.

Kendra knows her way around a kitchen and loves being there. But she also loves helping us keep things really simple, so we don’t lose our minds when it comes to just feeding ourselves and our family. She’s got a...