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Author Tsh Oxenreider podcasted for many years, chatting with friends and guests about what it looked like in their life to simplify in all sorts of categories. In some iteration, this podcast lived from 2011 to 2019.

You can find the episodes from roughly mid-2018 to the end below — and check out Tsh's current podcast, A Drink With a Friend!

May 29, 2018

We’re wrapping up our series on re-learning things as an adult! Part 1 covered relationships, part 2 was physical health, part 3 was work, and for this last one? We’re tackling education.

Not the educational system, nor our kids’ academics — we’re referring to our own self-education, whether it’s about...

May 22, 2018

Continuing our series on things we’ve re-learned in our adulthoods, in this episode we're talking work.

Erin and I are both self-employed, so we determine the course for most of our working rhythm — which is both a huge privilege and a responsibility. We talk about how our ideas of what it means to work well has...

May 15, 2018

We're continuing our series on things we've re-learned in our adulthoods, where we explore a few topics we thought about (or were taught) differently when we were younger than what we believe now.

In this one, we're exploring physical stuff — specifically, eating, sleeping, and moving.

It's almost impossible to stay...

May 8, 2018

We're starting a new series! In this one, Erin and I talk about re-learning things as an adult.

We all learn things growing up, many of them subconsciously. And then we often deconstruct, then re-learn new ideas, truths, and nuances about life as we get older. It's a decent way to gain some wisdom.

In part one, we're...

May 1, 2018

We’ve got for you a Very Special Episode of Simple Show for you here... a recent episode of Women’s Work, my other new podcast that celebrates creative women who do interesting work!

From artists and entrepreneurs, to scientists, journalists, engineers, coders, and beyond… it’s your chance to hear the stories of...