Aug 28, 2017
This episode isn’t about any particular educational method—it’s about how we parents go about deciding what’s best for our individual kiddos and our collectives families.
Stephanie homeschools her kids, and we send our kids to a three-day hybrid school—and we’ve also done almost every type of school under...
Aug 21, 2017
Chickens, canning, farmer’s markets, and prepackaged food from the grocery store. There’s a place for all of it… and also a place to not make it our thing, guilt-free. It’s all good.
We know we’re “supposed” to eat local, but what does that look like in the real world?
In the spirit of our no/yes season,...
Aug 14, 2017
There are so. many. things. to watch these days. How do you choose what to see with your precious few viewing hours? That’s the topic of this episode… How to not be overwhelmed by the onslaught of entertainment choices we have. They say it’s the Golden Age of television—there’s more than any one person can...
Aug 7, 2017
It’s a new season of The Simple Show! In this episode, we'll pull back the curtain on what we’ll be talking about for awhile. Our days are spent making thousands of decisions, and a bit at a time, it’s from the choices we make that we carve out a life. What we say yes and no to matters, possibly more than...
Aug 2, 2017
We start our new season of The Simple Show in the next episode, and it's gonna be fantastic. But today I've got a conversation I don't want you to miss. My friend (and AoS writer) Brooke McAlary recently announced she's quitting Jackrabbit, the podcast network she helped found—and when she did, I thought, Hmm.... I...