May 31, 2017
When we say "hospitality," we don't mean fancy tablescapes and canapes—we mean, it's cool to use paper plates. In this chat, Tsh and Erin talk about what it means to make your home a place people want to be. They talk about ways to make your house the "kid hangout spot," where to focus on house cleaning when...
May 24, 2017
Epic global travel is all well and good, but what about family roadtrips in your own country? (What a concept!) Tsh talks with Kat Lee, host of the Inspired to Action podcast, whose family has nailed the American family roadtrip. Every summer, they drive somewhere new in a quest for hitting all lower 48 states with...
May 17, 2017
There's no better time to catch up on good stories than in the summer. We're not sure why (a leftover from our childhoods?), but the lazy days of summer beg for a good book and a cold drink. Tsh and co-host Haley share five books each (plus one extra)—three they've read, two they haven't, for a grand total of 11 book...
May 10, 2017
How to find good deals on tickets, when to actually buy tickets, jet lag and sleeping on planes, how to find good restaurants (even when there's no menu posted), and what to cook in guesthouse kitchens when you're far from home—all popular questions. So in this chat, Tsh and co-host Stephanie answer your questions...
May 3, 2017
There's quotes around capsule on this podcast's title because Tsh and Erin have a more... laissez faire approach to this idea. They dish about what it means to love everything in your closet—for normal people. Erin's a professional stylist, so there's no one better to toss in two cents to this fountain. Creating a...