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Author Tsh Oxenreider podcasted for many years, chatting with friends and guests about what it looked like in their life to simplify in all sorts of categories. In some iteration, this podcast lived from 2011 to 2019.

You can find the episodes from roughly mid-2018 to the end below — and check out Tsh's current podcast, A Drink With a Friend!

Apr 16, 2016

Tsh's guest for this episode is Katherine Willis Pershey, a pastor who's also a mom to two little kids, so she personally knows the challenge of incorporating daily spiritual practices into life. She’s a smart cookie who is very much a normal person who gets real life. They talk about things like Lectio...

Apr 2, 2016

Lots of listeners have asked Tsh the simple but broad (and sometimes loaded) question, “How and when should I introduce my kids to Harry Potter?” In this episode Tsh asked one of her great friends (and AoS contributing writer), Robin Dance, to join this chat. Tsh's three kids are between ages 5 and 11, yet Robin's...